Our Museum Quality Airplane Replica Models,

are ideally suited for collectibles, executive gifts, art gallery “sculptures”, and many other purposes, like showing off your beautiful airplane on your office desk.
You will notice that our planes are perfectly scaled and the paint is exact. We take great pride in making exact replicas of your airplane and that is why we take longer to make your model. Feel free to check out the competition and you will see the difference.
We are not known for our SPEED, but we are known for our UNBELIEVABLE QUALITY!
Did you know that we were the first company to manufacture "CLEAR CANOPY" Models over 15 years ago. With CLEAR CANOPY Models, we actually carve out the interior, showing details like the seats, yoke, and instruments. Oh, yeah, don’t forget to give us a great photo of your GPS, so we can include that too.

Our models usually take from 6-8 months to build from the day we RECEIVE YOUR PHOTOS. Not from the day you ordered the Model. We want lots of photos. It is a very labor intensive procedure to build these models the way we do it. The first thing we do is make a drawing from your photos and 3-views drawings for scaling purposes. Then a person actually sits down and starts carving pieces of wood to shape your plane. After the wood is carved, the pieces are dried further and then glued together. After much more drying to prevent future cracking, the plane is sanded and we then apply many, coats of primer and each coat of primer is hand sanded and dried to prevent future cracking. After that process, we paint the base coat and do the detailing. The entire process is all hand done without the advantages of power tools in our process. It is the most labor intensive process you have ever seen.

What Do I Need To Build A Great Model?

The Models are master crafted and hand painted in the Philippines, from select specially treated mahogany wood. The models are made to recognized collector scales, usually 1/24 scale, for enhanced value. In order to make a quality model for you. We need some great detail photos inside and out, the 3-view line drawings out of the POH and we would like color paint samples. We need all of this information before we can start your model.

How Do I Order?

Please download the order form below and e-mail it to me, Scott Fisher, and take advantage of our $100.00 discount by ordering on the web, or call me, and I can take your order over the phone.