Becoming a Dealer
Welcome to our web site. Isn't Technology Great? No more paper catalogs for us! I have added a
bunch of new products this year and have freshened up a bunch more. I would like to invite you to
take a good look at our product line and stock your shelves with some of the most unusual selection
of aviation and space related gift products that will sell well in your shop.
Our products have sold very well over the past 30 years (WOW, has it been that long?) in FBO's,
Museums, Airport Gift Shops, NASA Facilities, and other retail stores across the country.
Take a real close look at our new line of Aviation and Space Ties, Ornaments, Custom Model
airplanes, Greeting cards, Pudgy Planes and more.
Also, as a manufacturer of most of our products,
we invite you to look at having us make custom made products, like Ornaments, T-shirts, Aviation
Neck Wear, Mugs, Kites, etc, with your theme and logos.
Our discounts to dealers ranges up to 40% off the regular retail pricing. While we do have a minimum
order, it is very reasonable and you know what, we are fun to work with. So, to obtain a password to
view Dealer Pricing (may only be viewed in Internet Explorer), or for more information,
please e-mail me at or give me a call
at 414-425-8002.
Have fun and keep flying! Yeah, Yeah, I'm a pilot and I love to fly!